Hello friends!
That’s another year almost done and dusted for us all. Some highs, some lows, as is wont to happen each year.
If you look back on your year and find more highs than lows, more laughter than tears, then you’ve had a good year 🙂
For the most part, life has been good to me. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing (whose is?), and there are times and occasions that make me question my decisions and judgment. But if at all there’s anything I’ve learnt from my journey through 2022, is that sometimes, your prayers aren’t answered in the straightforward manner you think they would be.
Life has been fairly good to me this year, and I am thankful and grateful for the encounters I’ve had, the bridges I’ve built, and the opportunities I’ve been afforded. Along the way, much else has happened as well, that were not as positive.
It’s these not-very-positive moments that give you pause, and give you a moment of regret. But it is also in these not-very-positive moments that you figure out what you really want, or how you really want to move forward.
There were a few of these roadblocks this past year, that forced me to stop and consider the forks in the road. I can’t say those eventual decisions made were easy ones, but they were made.
Along the way also, I gave some thought to prayers, to seek divine guidance on how to deal with problems. That led me to a curious realization that sometimes, when we ask the universe for things, we don’t think of how those wishes are granted.
It isn’t as if a magic wand is waved, and your problems magically disappear. Sometimes, you are forced to confront those problems head on, or even have more unresolved issues brought to light, just so you are able to view it all in totality before you are able to find a complete solution.
Sometimes, it feels like wave after wave of dejection washing over you, before you are finally able to resurface for a breather. But when you do, it is with a clearer, more uncluttered mind, and a renewed sense of purpose.
It’s reminded me that you shouldn’t ask for a problem to go away. You should ask for wisdom to find a solution to the problem you have. It’s like that old proverb of teaching a man to fish, as opposed to giving him a fish. With the latter, you slap a bandaid on the immediate problem, but don’t solve it. With the former, you take a step to solve the root cause of the problem, and help find a longterm solution.
It is this vague optimism that I shall carry forward into the new year. A reminder that we are able to dig ourselves out of a hole, if we can find the tools, or if someone will help hand us the tools.
But 2022 was not all doom and gloom as I would let you believe 😀
It had its highlights as well, in the form of surviving the dreaded Covid-19. Oh yes, it hit me right when I least expected to, after 3 years of taking extra precautions. I was fortunate to not have it as badly as I expected to, but I am extra careful to not get it again. That means constant masking and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated areas. I still live my life as best I can, but in as well-ventilated an area as I possibly can!
I’ve also had lots of adventures with my furkid, and even rescued another along the way! She’s quite a lot of work, and I cannot deny that I have my moments when I get very irritated or upset with her. Yet, there are moments when we look at her, and all her attendant medical issues, and wonder just how tough life was for her before we met. I had my hopes that she would find a new forever home, but with all her various medical needs, it looks like we’ll have to be that home for her.
I also took a little jaunt overseas to Bangkok for the first time in 2 years! It was a lovely time spent eating and enjoying all the little things about being away on holiday that you fail to appreciate until you lose access to it!
On the blog front, I’ve gotten more frequent in my writing, putting up a post once a week at least. I made a conscious decision to, in order to keep my hand in. This is my creative space, and I don’t want to lose it!
On the social side, I’ve made the conscious effort to step back from the glare of social media. I’ve battled with it for too long, and I’ve come to accept that I’m not cut out to be that sort of creative 😛 I know that’s what all the advertisers want, but I guess not all of us are cut out for that either! 🙂 Incidentally, this was something I wrote about in January 2022, in my opening post of this year. It is therefore fitting that I close off this year, with this same firm decision to step back, and let go 🙂
I do still pop by from time to time on Instagram, just to remind everyone of my blogging existence LOL! I do love that people find it easier to chat there, which is understandable, as you have direct access to a person, unlike through the comment box. I realised a while ago that being that sort of content creator, that almost necessitates that you are a dancing, fun, engaging, entertaining package who isn’t afraid to be in front of the camera and to share your life with all and sundry, isn’t quite for me. But it’s taken me till now to acknowledge that that’s OK, and I can just do my thing in my own pace, at my own time, in my own way. If social media fails, you know where to find me – right here 🙂
On balance, there have been more laughter than tears for me, so that means it’s been a good year. It’s also interesting that I talk about balance, for that was what I wished for early this year – for balance. I don’t think I got that balance I was looking for, but I will be working on it in the coming year 🙂
I hope you too enjoyed more sunshine than rain, more rainbows than dark clouds, and more smiles than frowns this past year 🙂
Thank you for being here with me, and for reading my blog, and know that your engagement with me will always bring a smile to my face 🙂
Paris B
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